Wednesday, October 20, 2010

PDM to where

With the advance of enterprise information, product data management (PDM) technology more and more recognized by the business community, although the enterprise resource planning (ERP) proposed earlier than the PDM, but the important role of PDM in the enterprise has been and compare ERP, ERP and PDM has become a modern enterprise take off the two wings, in the promotion of enterprise development play an increasingly important role. Lei, according to EU Science and Technology for many years, I engaged in the development and implementation of PDM software experience, is the development direction of the PDM to make the following speculation, hoping to share with colleagues and businesses.
PDM PDM will be the development of industries like software, CAD software, you can use to take over the use of PDM software tailored for enterprise needs, the need for the implementation of PDM, increasing the application of risk and cost, in fact, the implementation of PDM and Enterprise ISO, implementing standards is similar, ISO standards is only one, but every enterprise must complete their own quality manual and program files. So, wants to implement an enterprise PDM, need to be fully prepared to purchase a PDM software is very easy, the key is how to carry out the implementation of PDM software, how to write your implementation plan and implementation details.

In addition, because every business needs the implementation of PDM, the PDM vendors can be targeted for the development of different industries, industry, personalized for an implementation, this can reduce the implementation risk, and can also reduce implementation costs, with industry characteristics The PDM application areas: automotive assembly, auto parts processing, aerospace, survey and design, medical equipment, hospitals, machine tools, furniture, household appliances and telecommunications.

PDM framework core to the direction of technology maturity as PDM, PDM software framework will be the core technology direction, the core technology should be more abstract and general PDM technology, under the premise of common core technology industries to re- development, that is, PDM vendors should develop a common PDM platform, based on this platform to develop our industry, industry characteristics, PDM system.

PDM needs to open up in a common core platform, developed Chu variety of industries PDM system, not one or two PDM vendors to complete the task that requires familiarity Bu Tong Ying Yong industry of software development to the manufacturer cooperation. The most important issue is the openness of common core platform is better, it is already open PDM PDM software to survive.

PDM requires Internet as economic globalization, business has come an era of globalization, businesses in different sectors may be distributed to different locations in the world, information sharing and exchange, is the PDM technology must solve. PDM Software is the enterprise information management tools, but also should follow the trend of the times, and the technical means to solve such problems is the use of Internet technology.

PDM collaborative design technology, if companies need to put up through the world of PDM networks, enterprises need most is product design, so you can maximize the settlement time, improve efficiency, so PDM is supported collaborative design technology, advanced primary PDM problem.

PDM technology companies need to integrate every employee has their own tools, PDM software can not be all-inclusive, how to make enterprise application does not have to change their habits too much can quickly grasp the PDM system, which requires PDM software and other applications have a good affinity, has good data exchange capabilities, this is the software integration, PDM interface with other software integration with other software data integration.

PDM requires standardized, no matter how the system, if an enterprise management is not standardized, PDM system, and no Huitianzhili, to make their businesses truly implement good PDM Xiangmu, enterprises must proceed standardization of Gaizao, Zhiyouzheyang company's PDM Cainengfahui benefits can come in handy, it makes sense.

PDM will expand the broader field of business management PDM only four major functions: project management, design management, process management, product configuration management, but the four main functions can not be separated, they are an interdependent whole, hodgepodge of PDM software is not all-inclusive, but the technology can be extended through the PDM software functionality, and office automation than can easily be extended, so PDM extension to the application of other applications is also a big trend in the future.

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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Soldiers from the regiment to the Founder President of Zhang Zhaodong

NEW electric network on May 27 he was the founder of one of the Founder, who, as president of Founder Group. Ups and downs over 10 years, he accompanied the Founder passed, which stand by the heart have been known.

From Inner Mongolia and Construction Corps, a good five soldiers, the Department of Geophysics Peking University teacher; Han-card experts from the sale, then the president of a high-tech enterprises, Zhang Zhaodong life journey, there are many dramatic turning point, perhaps made think deeply; there are many glaring bright spot, then people might be light at the foot of the road.

5 good fighters

Zhang Zhaodong the same age with the Republic and his peers as a special experience with the countryside to jump the queue. 1969 to 1973, he jumped the queue and Construction Corps in Inner Mongolia, is home to Inner Mongolia and Zhejiang, they jump the queue that another wave of people older one.

Came out from home, many parents Zhang Zhaodong explain to him take care of their children. Trust by the people of Zhang Zhaodong arrived in Inner Mongolia on getting back in the dark can not adapt to the environment because the folks running out crying. "Although I myself am afraid of the dark night of the desert in Inner Mongolia, but no way, Who I am their big brother does. Very often, people place in which to do that position on the matter, and thus create a position in this a different from their own past. "

In the Construction Corps, Zhang Zhaodong be arranged a lot of work done, worked as a signalman, had worked confidential documents, an accountant, who is a storekeeper, read Guardia, overshadowed de adobe house, cut off wheat farming. But in the final analysis, the most memorable experience for Zhang Zhaodong he was responsible for all company purchases more than 100 meals. There was a rain impassable roads, procurement to food, all with more than 100 people to eat carrots for two days. Zhang Zhaodong this job to a lot of pressure, "Every time I go to town purchase food, I like the spirit of all nervous, like going to war." Of course this also working very hard: "winter, sitting in a truck pull food, clothing sheepskin coat will stop the biting wind; summer car slow down, it will not do mosquito bites. "

Despite the hardships though tired, but Zhang Zhaodong most minds, or should do these things. "Encouraged to go to do a good everything to me, do not people do not call me in the back do." As Zhang Zhaodong performed well in the Corps, so year after year are five good fighters. In 1973, through mass appraisal, leadership approval, Zhang Zhaodong on the North.

Corps soldier's experience during impact to Zhang Zhaodong deep, cultivated his pragmatic and responsible attitude. Teaching at Beijing University, he also serves as the Secretary of the Department of Geophysics, Peking University, although he does not like a secretary, but in order to avoid affecting the level and the future of my colleagues mentioned, Zhang Zhaodong or the Secretary of the work done in perfect order, won invariably met with praise. Founder president of the position, Zhang Zhaodong thought remains that the company must do everything Yougejiaodai.


Initially, Zhang Zhaodong invited as new technology companies from the North and the suburbs of Beijing Yuyuantan Rural Agriculture, a joint venture of the North-yu, general manager of new technology companies. Thus, in the Department of Geophysics Peking University, Zhang Zhaodong coach for 10 years and became a general manager. Now go back, analyze Zhang Zhaodong decided to leave the podium was his motivation: "At that time I really did not expect to do so much today, just wanted to do a new thing. I had engaged in the performance space physics research is difficult because Research takes a lot of money, and schools do not have so many funds. "years later, after becoming a Founder, President, Zhang Zhaodong still want people to call him" Teacher Chang. "

Zhang Zhaodong said he "never have had the company do not know how to run the company," but he started the company to do a general manager, the challenge is considerable.鍦ㄤ粬鎽哥储鐫?厛鍚庡仛鎴愪簡涓や釜楗簵绠$悊绯荤粺鍚庯紝1988骞村垵锛屾柟姝e喅瀹氬皢鍖楀ぇ娲惧嚭鐨勪汉閮借皟鍥炴柟姝o紝寮犲厗涓滃氨灏嗗寳鐜夊叕鍙镐氦缁欑帀娓婃江涔″啘宸ュ晢鍏徃缁忚惀锛岃嚜宸卞洖鍒颁簡鏂规銆?br />



銆??鈥滈偅涓椂鍊欐垜鍋氱敓鎰忕殑鍏村鐐规瀬寮恒?鎴戣繖浜轰粠鏉ヤ笉鎬曡秺鏉冿紝涓嶆?鍒汉楠傛垜銆傛病浜哄仛鐨勪簨锛屾垜鍙鑳藉仛锛屾垜閮芥妸瀹冨仛浜嗐?鈥濆綋鏃舵柟姝d汉姣旇緝灏戯紝鍋氱敓鎰忋?寮?エ鍙戣揣銆佺鍔炲叕瀹ゃ?杩庢潵閫佸線銆佺敤鎴峰煿璁紝寮犲厗涓滃叏鍋氳繃銆?br />



銆??鏈?兘鏄剧ず寮犲厗涓滃嚭鑹插競鍦哄紑鎷撹兘鍔涚殑浜嬩緥锛岃帿杩囦簬浠栧湪閿?敭鏂规姹夊崱鏃跺彇寰楃殑杈夌厡涓氱哗銆?br />

銆??褰撴椂锛屽紶鍏嗕笢鍦ㄦ柟姝d笌閲戝北鐨勫悎璧勫叕鍙搁噷浠诲壇鎬荤粡鐞嗭紝鑰屾眰浼悰鏄?缁忕悊銆傚洜姝わ紝寮犲厗涓滈鍏堥潰涓寸殑鏄拰姹備集鍚涙?鏍锋矡閫氱殑闂锛屸?鍚堜綔鏄崗璋冨拰纾ㄥ悎锛屼笉鑳借涓?紑濮嬫垜灏卞拰姹備集鍚涙矡閫氬緱寰堝ソ銆傛垜浠粡甯稿惖锛屼絾鍚庢潵涓嶅惖浜嗭紝鎴戞瘮杈冭兘鐞嗚В浠栦簡锛岃兘鐞嗚В鍒颁粬鐨勯毦澶勩?鈥?br />
銆??姹夊崱鏄柟姝e仛鐨勭涓?釜澶т紬鍖栦骇鍝侊紝鍜屾柟姝d互鍓嶄富鍋氱殑鍑虹増绯荤粺涓嶅ぇ涓?牱銆傛柟姝e嚭鐗堢郴缁熷熀鏈笂鎸夊仛椤圭洰鐨勬柟寮忓仛锛岄噰鍙栫洿閿?殑鏂瑰紡锛岃?鍋氭眽鍗″垯蹇呴』鍒嗛攢锛屽苟涓斿繀椤昏拷姹傞攢鍞噺銆?br />
銆??鎬庢牱鍋氬垎閿?笭閬擄紵寮犲厗涓滃湪瀹炶返涓〃鐜板嚭鑷繁鐙壒鐨勯鏍笺?浠栨彁鍑轰簡涓?釜涓庝紬涓嶅悓鐨勫仛娉曪細鈥滆浜哄閽荤┖瀛愨?銆傗?鎴戝埗瀹氬畬浠g悊鏀跨瓥锛屽鏋滃彂鐜版斂绛栨湁婕忔礊锛屽彧瑕佽繖涓紡娲炴棤纰嶅ぇ灞?紝灏变笉浼氬幓鏀广?杩欐牱浜哄灏变細閽荤┖瀛愶紝鍙杩欎釜浜鸿寰楁湁绌哄瓙鍙捇锛屽氨浼氳寰楀仛鎴戠殑浠g悊鏈夐挶鍙專锛涙湁閽卞彲鎸o紝浠栧氨浼氳窡鎴戣蛋銆傛垜鍦ㄩ攢鍞椂姹傞噺澶э紝姹傛?浣撳埄娑︼紝鑰屼笉鍦ㄤ箮涓?偣涓?淮鐨勫緱澶便?鈥濊繖灏辨槸寮犲厗涓滀负浠?箞鍦?992-1994骞磋兘鐢?2涓汉鎸?涓浜跨殑鍘熷洜銆?br />


銆??寮犲厗涓滀负閿?敭姹夊崱棰囪垂浜嗕簺鍞囪垖涔嬪姵銆傛柟姝e垎鍏徃鎴栬?鏂规鍑虹増绯荤粺鐨勪唬鐞嗘潵鍖椾含寮?細鏃讹紝寮犲厗涓滄?鏄竴澶存墡杩涗細鍦猴紝鍒板瀹d紶姹夊崱铏界劧涓嶈兘鍜屽嚑鍗佷竾鍏冧竴濂楃殑鍑虹増绯荤粺鐩告彁骞惰锛屼絾姹夊崱閲忓ぇ锛屽埄娑︾巼涔熼珮銆傗?鎴戣姳浜?涓灏忔椂璇存湇浜嗕竴涓垎鍏徃锛岃浠栦滑鎶婂仛鎺掔増绯荤粺濂栧姳鐨?涓囧鍏冮挶鎹㈡垚浜?0鍧楁眽鍗★紝鏈?悗杩欎釜鍒嗗叕鍙稿湪瑗垮崡鍋氭眽鍗″仛寰楁渶濂姐?鈥?br />
銆??涓嶈繃锛屽嵆浣挎柟姝e垎鍏徃涓嶆効鍋氭柟姝f眽鍗$殑浠g悊锛屽紶鍏嗕笢涔熶笉寮烘眰锛屾洿涓嶅煁鎬ㄤ粬浠紝涓嶅浠栦滑鍙戠墷楠氥?鍙戝彿鏂戒护銆傗?鐜板湪鎴戜滑濂藉涓撲笟鍏徃鏉ユ壘鎴戣锛氣?寮犺?甯堜綘缁欎笅涓?釜鏂囦欢锛熲?瑕佹眰鍦ㄥ悇鍒嗗叕鍙稿己琛屾帹骞裤?鎴戝氨浼氬浠栦滑璇达紝鎴戝綋骞村仛姹夊崱鐨勬椂鍊欙紝璋佺粰鎴戜笅杩囨枃浠讹紝鍒汉鎰夸笉鎰挎剰鍋氫綘鐨勪唬鐞嗭紝鍏ㄥ湪浣犲競鍦虹瓥鍒掑緱鎬庝箞鏍枫?鈥?br />
銆??濡傛灉褰撳湴鍒嗗叕鍙镐笉鎰夸唬鐞嗘眽鍗★紝寮犲厗涓滃氨浜茶嚜鍔ㄦ墜鎶婂綋鍦扮殑浠g悊缃戠粶寤鸿捣鏉ワ紝绛夐攢鍞噺涓婃潵浜嗭紝鍐嶆妸浠g悊缃戠粶浜ょ粰褰撳湴鍒嗗叕鍙稿幓绠$悊銆傗?鎴戝府鍒嗗叕鍙告妸浜嬪厛鐨勫噯澶囧伐浣滈兘鍋氬ソ锛屽啀璁╁畠浠潵绠$悊浠g悊鍟嗭紝鐒跺悗鎸夌収姹夊崱鐨勯攢閲忕粰鍒嗗叕鍙告彁鎴愶紝绛変簬鐧介?閽辩粰鍒嗗叕鍙革紝鍒嗗叕鍙歌繕涓嶅仛鍚楋紵鎴戜滑瑕佹眰鍒嗗叕鍙稿仛鐨勫彧鏄彂涓?笅璐э紝鏈夐棶棰樼涓?椂闂翠綔鍑哄弽搴斻?鈥?br />
銆??寮犲厗涓滃緢鑷豹鐨勬槸锛屽綋骞存眽鍗¢儴鍜屾柟姝e悇鍦板垎鍏徃鍏崇郴澶勫緱鏈?ソ锛屽拰鍚勫湴浠g悊鐨勫叧绯讳篃涓嶉敊銆傗?鍒嗗叕鍙哥殑浜烘湁浜嬪湪鍖椾含鍔炰笉鎴愶紝灏卞埌鎴戜滑姹夊崱閮ㄦ潵鍔烇紝鎴戜滑甯垎鍏徃鍦ㄥ寳浜拱濂戒粬浠涔扮殑涓滆タ锛岀瓑浠栦滑鏉ヤ含鏃跺彇鎴栬?缁欎粬浠?杩囧幓銆傛垜浠拰浠g悊涔熸湁鎰熸儏浜ゆ祦锛屽敖绠℃垜浠笉璇蜂唬鐞嗗悆澶ч锛屼絾浠g悊鏉ュ寳浜紝涓嶈繘姹夊崱鐨勮揣涔熻鍒版眽鍗¢儴鍧愪竴鍧愩?鈥?br />

銆??涓嶈繃锛屽嵆浣挎槸鍋氬埌鏈?紟鐩涚殑鏃跺?锛屾眽鍗¢儴鑷韩鍖呮嫭鍙告満鍦ㄥ唴涔熷彧鏈?2涓汉銆傚湪寮犲厗涓滅湅鏉ワ紝姹夊崱閮?2涓汉鐨勪富瑕佷换鍔℃槸蹇欏競鍦虹瓥鍒掑拰鍙戣揣锛岃?涓嶆槸瓒婁繋浠e簴鍦板幓缁忛攢姹夊崱銆?br />
銆??涓嶈繃璋堣捣褰撳勾鐨勮緣鐓屼笟缁╋紝寮犲厗涓滀篃鏈夎嚜宸辩殑鑻︽订銆傗?褰撳勾鎶婃柟姝uper姹夊崱鍋氳捣鏉ワ紝骞朵笉鍍忕幇鍦ㄦ兂璞$殑杩欎箞瀹规槗銆傚綋鏃讹紝椋庡ご姝e姴鐨勫法浜哄叕鍙镐竴骞寸敤浜庢眽鍗$殑骞垮憡璐瑰氨鏈変笂鍗冧竾锛岃?鎴戞瘡骞村彧鏈?00涓囧埌300涓囧彲浠ョ敤浜庡箍鍛婅垂锛?骞村仛涓嬫潵涔熷彧鐢ㄤ簡1000澶氫竾骞垮憡璐广?鈥濆湪骞垮憡鎴樹腑娌℃湁璧勯噾浼樺娍锛屽紶鍏嗕笢渚挎兂鍒颁簡瑕佺敤鍖楀ぇ杩欏潡鐗屽瓙锛屽湪寰佸緱寮犳棆榫欏拰姹備集鍚涚殑鍚屾剰鍚庯紝寮犲厗涓滃厛鏄妸閲戝北姹夊崱鐨勫悕瀛楁敼鎴愬寳澶UC姹夊崱锛屽悗鏉ュ張鏀规垚浜嗘柟姝uper姹夊崱銆?br />

銆??鐢变簬寮犲厗涓滅粡钀ユ柟姝uper姹夊崱鏈夊姛锛岃鎻愬崌涓轰富绠′汉浜嬬殑鍓?缁忕悊銆傛彁鍗囧紶鍏嗕笢涔嬪墠锛屽紶鍏嗕笢绔熶竴鐐归兘涓嶇煡閬撱?鐩村埌涓?鍙傚姞鎵嬩笅鐨勫绀硷紝鍚埌鍒汉浠嬬粛浠栨椂锛岃鈥滀笅闈㈣鍓?缁忕悊鈥濊璇濓紝鎵嶇煡閬撹嚜宸扁?鍗囧畼鈥濅簡銆?br />
銆??涓嶆帶鍒讹紝鍙紩瀵?br />
銆??1997骞达紝寮犲厗涓滄垚涓烘柟姝i泦鍥㈡?瑁併?灞ユ浣嶏紝浠栨劅鍒扮殑鏄帇鍔涖?鈥滅帇閫変竴鍚戝己璋冣?鎴愬姛鏄け璐ヤ箣姣嶁?锛岃繖鍙ヨ瘽璁╂垜娣辨?锛氬墠闈?0骞达紝鏂规鏄垚鍔熺殑銆佽緣鐓岀殑锛屽悗闈?0骞磋兘涓嶈兘鍚屾牱鎴愬姛銆佸悓鏍疯緣鐓岋紵杩欐槸鎴戞劅鍒板帇鍔涙渶澶х殑浜嬫儏銆傗?浠栨槑鐧戒綅缃剰鍛崇潃鏉冨姏锛屼絾浣嶇疆骞朵笉鑳借嚜鐒跺湴甯︽潵濞佷俊锛屽▉淇℃槸闈犺嚜宸卞共鍑烘潵鐨勩?鈥滀紒涓氭槸骞插嚭鏉ョ殑锛屼笉鏄惞鍑烘潵鐨勶紝浼佷笟涓嶆專閽变竴鍒囬兘鏄瀻鎺般?鈥?br />



銆??濡備粖鐨勬柟姝o紝宸茬粡鍙戝睍鎴愭?璧勪骇60浜垮厓锛屽勾钀ヤ笟棰濊揪116浜垮厓鐨勫ぇ鍨嬩紒涓氶泦鍥?浼佷笟瑙勬ā鎸佺画鎵╁ぇ锛屼骇鍝佺嚎鏃ユ笎澧炲锛岄殢涔嬭?鏉ョ殑绠$悊闅惧害鐨勫姞澶у彲鎯宠?鐭ャ?鍋氫簡鎬昏鐨勫紶鍏嗕笢鏈夊緢澶氬彂鎰佺殑浜嬶細鈥滃闈㈣寰楁柟姝e緢濂斤紝浣滀负鏂规鐨勬?瑁侊紝鎴戞槑鐧芥柟姝h繕鏈夊緢澶氫簨鎯呰鍋氾紝鏈夊緢澶氬ぇ澶у皬灏忕殑闂瑕佽В鍐炽?鍧愬埌浜嗘?瑁佺殑浣嶇疆浠ュ悗锛屾垜鎰佺殑浜嬫瘮楂樺叴鐨勪簨澶氣?鈥斿浣曟彁楂樹汉鍧囨晥鐩婏紵濡備綍浣垮叕鍙告洿鏈夊嚌鑱氬姏锛熷浣曟墿澶х幇鏈変笟鍔$殑缁忚惀娣卞害锛熷浣曠悊椤烘柊寮?緹鐨勯鍩燂紵濡備綍浣跨鐞嗘洿涓ユ牸銆佹洿绉戝锛熸瘡骞存湁10涓棶棰橈紝鎴戝彧鑳介噸鐐硅В鍐?銆?涓棶棰橈紝娌℃湁鎯冲ソ鐨勯棶棰橈紝鎴戜笉浼氬幓鍔紝鍥犱负鏈変汉鍠滄鍙惉棰嗗鐨勶紝鍙鎬昏涓?彂璇濓紝浠栧氨浼氳窡鐫?姩锛屼絾鏄紝濡傛灉杩炴垜鑷繁閮芥病鏈夋妸闂褰诲簳鎯冲ソ锛屽氨涓?畾浼氭妸浜嬫儏鎼炲緱涓?洟绯熴?鈥?br />


銆??鈥滀紒涓氫箣鎵?互鑳藉彂灞曞ぇ锛屾湁寰堝鍥犵礌锛涜?瀵归珮绉戞妧浼佷笟鏉ヨ锛屽繀椤昏鏈夎嚜宸辩殑浜у搧銆傚鎴戜滑鏂规鑰岃█锛屼箣鎵?互鑳藉彂灞曞緱杩欎箞澶э紝鏄洜涓烘垜浠嫢鏈夌帇閫夋暀鎺堢殑鍘熷垱鎬ф妧鏈骇鍝侊紝杩欐槸鏈?噸瑕佺殑锛涜?涓旇繖涓骇鍝佹秹鍙婁簡涓?釜琛屼笟锛屽彂鐢熶簡涓?釜闈╁懡鎬х殑鍙橀潻锛屾柟姝f墠鏈変粖澶┿?鈥?br />
銆??鈥滆鎯冲彇寰楀垎楗肩殑璧勬牸锛屽苟鍦ㄥ垎楗肩殑杩囩▼涓耽寰椾富鍔紝蹇呴』淇濇寔浜у搧鐨勫厛杩涙?锛屸?寮犲厗涓滄墦浜嗕釜姣旀柟锛屸?澶у鎽婄厧楗奸兘鏀句竴涓浮铔嬶紝浣犲氨瑕佸湪鍏奸【鎴愭湰鐨勫悓鏃惰?铏戞斁2涓?3涓紝鐢氳嚦鏇村鐨勯浮铔嬶紝鎴栬?骞茶剢鍔犲嚑涓箤楣戣泲鈥︹?鈥?br />

銆??杩戝嚑骞达紝闅忕潃鏁翠釜绀句細寮?姝ュ叆缃戠粶鍖栧拰淇℃伅鍖栵紝鏂规鍙堥拡瀵瑰獟浣撻鍩熷彂灞曠殑鏂扮壒鐐癸紝寮?彂鍑烘柟姝g繑瀹囩瓑绯诲垪浜у搧锛屽疄鐜板獟浣?4灏忔椂鍐呴殢鏃跺彂甯冧俊鎭殑闇?眰銆傚悓鏃讹紝鏂规渚濇墭鑷韩鐨勬妧鏈兘鍔涳紝鍦ㄥ獟浣撳強淇℃伅鎶?湳绛夐鍩熶綔鍏ㄦ柟浣嶇旱娣辨墿灞曪紝鍦ㄧ數瀛愪功鍑虹増鍗板埛銆佹暟瀛楀箍鐢甸鍩熴?缃戠粶瀹夊叏鍙婃暟瀛椾氦閫氱瓑棰嗗煙閮藉紑鍙戝嚭涓?郴鍒楀叿澶囦笟鐣屽厛杩涙按骞崇殑鎶?湳鍜屼骇鍝併?鏂规涓庢帓鐗堢殑涓嶈В涔嬬紭锛屼笉鏂粨鍑烘柊椴滅殑纭曟灉銆?br />


銆??鏂规鏄竴涓互鎶?湳涓轰富鐨勫叕鍙革紝鍙戝睍鏄潬鎶?湳鍒涙柊涓哄姩鍔涳紝涓嶆柇鍦版帹鍑哄叿鏈夎嚜涓讳骇鏉冪殑鏂颁骇鍝併?鍥犳锛屾柟姝e缁堟妸鐮旂┒寮?彂鏂版妧鏈斁鍦ㄩ浣嶏紝姣忓勾鐨勬姇鍏ュぇ绾﹀崰钀ヤ笟棰濈殑4锝?%锛屽寘鎷澶囥?鍦哄湴銆佸悗鍕や繚闅滅瓑鈥滅‖鎶曞叆鈥濆拰缁存姢銆佸彂灞曠鐮旈槦浼嶇殑鈥滆蒋鎶曞叆鈥濄?寮犲厗涓滃己璋冿紝鈥滆繖涓?瘮渚嬪彧鏄瘡骞寸殑鎶曞叆棰勭畻锛屾垜浠湪鐮斿彂鏂归潰鐨勫師鍒欐槸闇?澶氬皯缁欏灏戯紝鍏徃缁濅笉浼氬洜涓虹粡璐归棶棰樺奖鍝嶇爺鍙戙?鈥?br />

銆??涓嶅彲鍚﹁锛屼笌鍥介檯鐭ュ悕鐨勮法鍥戒紒涓氱浉姣旓紝鏂规杩樻槸涓?灏忎紒涓氥?鏂规甯屾湜鐪熸鑳藉鎴愪负涓?釜鈥滃己鑰屽疄鈥濈殑銆佸湪鑻ュ共鐗瑰畾浜т笟棰嗗煙鎷ユ湁鍘熷垱鎬ц嚜涓绘牳蹇冩妧鏈殑鍥介檯鍖栭珮绉戞妧瀹炰笟鍏徃銆?br />



銆??鏂规闆嗗洟鎺ㄨ浜嗕互璐㈠姟璧勯噾绠$悊涓烘牳蹇冿紝浠ユ垚鏈?璐圭敤鏍哥畻鍜屽簲鏀躲?瀛樿揣鎺у埗涓轰富瑕佸唴瀹圭殑缁忚惀绠$悊浣撳埗銆傞泦鍥㈢鐞嗗眰杩樻彁鍑轰簡绮惧噺鍐楀憳銆佽骞舵満鏋勩?鎻愰珮浜哄潎鏁堢泭杩欎竴鏂扮殑绠$悊瑕佺偣锛岃繖浜涙帾鏂介兘涓烘柟姝g粡钀ヤ笟缁╀繚鎸佹寔涔呭闀垮垱閫犱簡鏉′欢銆?br />

銆??鏂规鐨勯瀵奸泦浣撶粰浜哄嵃璞℃渶娣辩殑涓?偣鏄紝灏界浠栦滑鍦ㄦ煇浜涘叿浣撻棶棰樹笂鏈夊垎姝э紝浣嗗湪鎬讳綋涓婁粬浠兘澶熶簰鐩告姮杞垮瓙锛岃兘澶熷厖鍒嗚偗瀹氬拰鐪嬪埌浠栦汉鐨勪环鍊笺?灏卞儚寮犲厗涓滆鐨勶細鈥滄柟姝f垚鍔熺殑涓?偣鏄潬涓?彮浜虹殑鍔姏锛屽ぇ瀹堕兘鑳借璇嗗埌鍒汉鐨勯暱澶勩?鈥?br />

銆??寮犲厗涓滆繃鍘讳笉鏄竴涓枩娆㈤珮璋堥様璁虹殑浜猴紝鐜板湪涔熶笉鏄?浠栦竴鐩存槸鍦ㄧ涓?嚎涓烘柟姝g粡钀ュ憰蹇冩播琛?殑浜猴紝浠栨瘡澶╄?铏戠殑鏄摢涓崟瀛愯兘鎸e灏戦挶锛岃?涓嶆槸鍝釜鐞嗚鍦ㄤ腑鍏虫潙鏇存椂楂︺?鏁翠釜鏂规閮芥病鏈夊磭灏氭竻璋堢殑姘旀皼銆?br />

銆??寮犲厗涓滆浠栨?瑙佽鑰咃紝鍥犱负鏈夋椂鍊欎粬寰堟暍璇磋瘽锛屼絾浠栨?鑷繁鍦ㄦ?瑁佺殑浣嶇疆涓婅寰椾笉鎭板綋瀹规槗寰楃姜浜恒?鈥滄垜涓汉寰楃姜浜烘病鍏崇郴锛屼絾鐜板湪涓嶆槸鎴戜釜浜虹殑浜嬫儏锛岃鏄洜涓烘垜涓汉鍑鸿█涓嶆厧閲嶏紝璁╂柟姝e緱缃簡璋佸氨涓嶅ソ浜嗐?鎴戜笉鑳戒负浜嗚嚜宸辩殑褰㈣薄锛岃鍏徃灏戣禋閽便?鈥?br />
銆??鍦ㄦ眽鍗″仛寰楁渶杈夌厡鐨勬椂鍊欙紝寮犲厗涓滀竴涓姴鍦板彯鍢遍儴涓嬶紝涔熷彯鍢辫嚜宸变笉瑕侀獎鍌诧細鈥滀笉鑳藉洜涓烘眽鍗″仛寰楀ソ灏卞湪鍒殑閮ㄩ棬闈㈠墠瓒鹃珮姘旀壃銆傚洜涓哄晢鍦轰笂鏈潵姘歌繙鏄湭鐭ユ暟锛屽墠闈㈡垚鍔熶簡锛屽悗闈篃鍙兘澶辫触锛岃皝涔熶笉鑳戒繚璇佹瘡绗旂敓鎰忛兘璧氥?鈥?br />
銆??闂強寮犲厗涓滄槸浠?箞鎬ф牸锛屽紶鍏嗕笢璇翠粬鑷繁閮戒笉澶竻妤氥?浠庡琛ㄧ湅锛屽紶鍏嗕笢搴旇鏄竴涓煬鍏夊吇鏅︾殑浜猴紝浣嗕粬涔熸浘缁忓湪浠庢垚閮藉埌閲嶅簡鐨勯珮閫熷叕璺笂椋炶溅锛岃溅閫熻揪鍒?90鍏噷銆備笉杩囧紶鍏嗕笢璁や负锛屸?灏卞儚浜哄湪鍝釜浣嶇疆涓婂氨琛ㄧ幇鍑哄摢绉嶈兘鍔涗竴鏍凤紝鎬ф牸鍙兘涔熻鍥犱簨鑰屽畾锛岃?鐪熸鏈夊姏閲忕殑浜猴紝鏄兘澶熸矇浣忔皵锛屾帶鍒惰嚜宸辨儏缁殑浜恒?鈥?br />
銆??鏂规鏈夊緢澶氶噾搴歌糠锛屼笉杩囧紶鍏嗕笢璇磋嚜宸辨槸鏂规绗竴涓湅閲戝焊涔︾殑浜猴紝鈥滈偅鏄竴鏈嚎瑁呮湰鐨勩?灏勯洉鑻遍泟浼犮?锛屾垜寰堝枩娆㈤儹闈栫殑鍘氶亾銆傗?浣嗙幇鍦ㄥ敖绠′拱榻愪簡銆婇噾搴稿叏闆嗐?锛屽紶鍏嗕笢鍗存病鏃堕棿鐪嬩簡銆傚紶鍏嗕笢鐜板湪姣忓ぉ鐨勫伐浣滄椂闂磋秴杩?2涓皬鏃讹紝杩炶亰澶╃湅鎶ラ兘鎴愪负涓?濂緢銆?br />
銆??寮犲厗涓滃睘鐗涳紝浠栬鑷繁鍠滄鐗涳細鈥滄垜鐪熺殑铔枩娆㈢墰鐨勩?鐗涗竴杈堝瓙杈涜緵鑻﹁嫤涔熶笉鍋锋噿锛屾垜甯屾湜鎴戣兘鍍忓畠涓?牱涓嶅伔鎳掋?鈥?br />
銆??纭疄锛屽紶鍏嗕笢浠庢潵娌℃湁鍋疯繃鎳掋?鍦ㄦ柟姝?0澶氬勾锛屽紶鍏嗕笢鍙杩囧崐澶╃梾鍋囥?浠栧疄鍦ㄥ緢蹇欙紝鎵?垢鐨勬槸浠栬韩浣撻潪甯稿ソ銆備粬璇磋嚜宸辩殑濂借韩浣撴槸鍦ㄥ唴钂欏彜寤鸿鍏靛洟閿荤偧鍑烘潵鐨勶紝鎵涜繃200鏂ょ殑鐩愬寘锛屽埆浜虹敤鑲╂寫姘达紝浠栧嵈鐢ㄦ墜鎻愩?寮犲厗涓滆嚜璞湴璇达細鈥滃敖绠℃垜鐜板湪鏄?0澶氬瞾鐨勪汉浜嗭紝鍙湪鍏徃閲屾幇鎵嬭厱锛屽緢澶氫汉閮芥幇涓嶈繃鎴戙?鈥?br />
銆??璋堝埌鐜嬮?鏃讹紝寮犲厗涓滃緢浣╂湇鐜嬮?瑷?皥涓殑鎰熷彫鍔涳細鈥滅帇閫夌敤寰堝钩鍑$殑璇█锛屽氨鑳芥妸浜洪紦鍔ㄨ捣鏉ャ?鈥濋櫎姝や箣澶栵紝寮犲厗涓滆涓猴紝鐜嬮?鐨勪簨涓氬績寰堝己锛屾暍鐢ㄥ勾杞讳汉锛屽ぇ鐨勬柟鍚戜笂鐪嬪緱寰堝噯锛岃繖浜涢兘璁╀粬鍗佸垎鏁噸鐜嬮?銆?br />

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Monday, September 27, 2010

The type of domestic and foreign IDC

銆怰EVIEW銆?IDC from the current domestic and international business types can be divided into five categories.
The IDC at home and abroad from business types can be divided into the following five categories

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Such data centers are typically operate by the basic telecom operators, with their accumulated in the traditional telecom operators in the natural resources of the advantages of telecommunications, through direct sale or rental to customers of telecommunication resources for profit. Representatives of such business in the United States, AT & T, Level 3, China Telecom and China Netcom, and other emerging telecom operators.

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Such data center's core business is to provide server hosting services. They generally rent to the carriers to the appropriate telecommunications resources and services through data centers will be sold to end-users of resources, while providing high value-added data center services to profit. Their customers are generally traditional enterprises and some. Com companies. Representatives of such business in the United States of Exodus, the capital of China, etc. online.

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Such as EDS, IBM and so on. These companies focus on the specific hardware and software systems. They are mainly service-oriented use of existing customer base, to provide further improved service.

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Such data centers are typically leased to the carriers to the appropriate telecommunications resources, through data center customers to access the site traffic generated by other network operators sold for profit. Their customers are generally large ICP site visits. Representatives of such business in the United States AboveNET.

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These companies mainly from other industries, generally corresponding to telecom operators lease of telecommunications resources, through the data center and customer site to the capital value of cooperation, access to these customers some of the shares, with the success of our customers, data center by the corresponding shares were held by monetary profit. Representatives of such business, including many foreign real estate.

China is now operating the business enterprise IDC Type:

The first category of telecommunications carriers, such as China Telecom and Netcom, which in the operating data centers, it is also a lot of two ISP providers bandwidth providers; the second category, some with a strong sense of power and advance the traditional ISP market, the company such as the Internet Century, Capital Online, these enterprises have accumulated over the years the brand resources and emphasis on marketing; the third category are some of the traditional IT enterprises to invest in the construction of data centers, such as the Qing Hua Wanbo.

Business Development:

There are two types of foreign companies currently involved in IDC business, one is professional company IDC, such as AboveNet, DigitalLand and Exodus; and those are IT giants such as IBM, Intel and so on. IDC trends abroad, with the development trend of the site is consistent, but also experienced the process of market segmentation, segmentation has two directions: one is local, one application, such as a dedicated data center for the ASP, there are specialized database services for data centers. In China, the next step in planning the development of IDC strategy, all companies are taking into account the ASP. Capital Online said it will not engage in ASP business, in this business primarily to cooperate with a variety of ASP companies. The Internet century, the Qing Hua Wanbo companies such as IDC in its own development strategy formulated ASP program.


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Thursday, July 29, 2010

When the Chinese in the mount

Previously appeared in FreeBSD's ports had a stuff called gbfs, provides support msDos and cdfs of gb. I like to use it, in FreeBSD 5.x for ntfs, smbfs and msdosfs and cd9660 have provided-C,-L and other parameters. Use these parameters to specify the character set fs. The installation is 4.9, then this would like to install gbfs, found 4.9 also began to mount when the character set to provide the specified parameter.
MORE ...
First look at mount_msdos:
-L locale
Specify locale name used for internal uppercase and lowercase conversions for DOS and Win''95 names. By default ISO 8859-1 assumed as local character set.
Another look mount_smbfs:
-L locale
Use locale for lower / upper case conversion routines. Set the locale for case conversion. By default, mount_smbfs trIEs to use an environment variable LC_ * to determine it.

The other, in mount_cd9660, mount_ntfs also Chinese support when there is no direct mount parameters.

Write fstab in the following ways:
/ Dev/ad0s5 / mnt / win msdos rw,-L = zh_CN.GBK, noauto 0 0

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Monday, July 12, 2010

Response to illegal cash payments, said Bao claimed "seriously inaccurate information"

December 13, published in the media called "susceptible to financial crime and use of online payment," the article, said Alibaba's online payment tool Alipay be used for large-scale illegal cash, the paper quoted an article entitled " Using Paypal, a successful cash 25,000 yuan, "the post. In this regard, Zhejiang Alipay Network Technology Co., Ltd. made a statement, responded that the information cited in reports of "serious misrepresentation."

Statement text:

Alipay company solemn declaration

1, Beijing December 13, Zhejiang Alipay Network Technology Co., Ltd. for a few days ago a domestic media, entitled "use of online payment susceptible to financial crime - someone with" Alipay "massive irregularities cash in" false reports strongly condemnation, and in this record, to clarify the truth.

2, the unconfirmed report, citing a line entitled "Po success with cash to pay 25,000 yuan," the post, said a large number of fraudulent transactions Alipay users using cash from credit card to pay for PET data statement that the report cited serious inaccuracies .

Bowes is a leading payment for providing online payment services to Internet companies, their risk Kongzhi subordinate departments that has been working to Da Ji Xin Yongka cash and other illegal operations, Duiyu such violations, to pay the company and freeze the Gai account Bao Zi Jin, Jing Yin Hang Verification will be frozen funds back to the way the original credit card account processing. The department since its inception, has been cracked and the fight against multiple use credit card cash gang.

Alipay risk credit card transactions timely feedback and appropriate measures have been related to the strong support of cooperative banks. Recently, the China Merchants Bank letter of credit to pay cash in the fight against Bowes achieved with regard to affirmative letter said: "Very thank you for your work in the trading risks, hope this follow-up work in closer cooperation."

3, the report quoted the central bank recently issued the "Anti-Money Laundering Report," "Today, online banking in the banking business in the rapidly rising share of occupied, and most transactions by telephone, computer networks, banks and customers very rarely, This gives banks a great deal about the difficulty of customers has also become a money-laundering risk-prone, high in the field. "

"The People's Republic of China Anti-Money Laundering Law" Article XVI: Financial institutions shall establish a customer identification system.

Require customers to produce real and effective identity certificate or other proof of identity, verification and registration. Article XVII of the Act states: financial institutions identify customers through third-party status, should ensure that third parties have been taken to meet the requirements of this Act customer identification measures; third party fails to adopt the customer identification requirements of this law measures, by the financial institutions perform customer identification not assume the obligation.

Alipay has been strictly followed, "The People's Republic of China Anti-Money Laundering Law" the relevant provisions. July 25, 2005 beginning Alipay Launches "Alipay authentication" service, users pay for certifications needed to be registered as a member of Alipay. Alipay has the right to take all measures it deems necessary to identify the user's identity. Alipay specific procedures for certification services, including: identification and bank account identification information to identify, through these two means of identification, Paypal has the right to record and save the user through the authentication of information, has the right under this agreement, agreed to provide financial institutions the user's identity information.

4, the report said, "By 'pay Po' pay, and some users are no longer used after a period of time, which will have part of the 'dormant users' accounts of these users will carry a part of the funds in this part of the 'dormant funds' there 'to pay Po' the account will 'pay the Po' accumulated a lot of money. "

The report also said that "the adoption of the 'pay-bao' to process payments, send the seller if a buyer needs the goods arrive, naturally have a certain account of that period, the bank account of the user account must generate interest . "Meanwhile, the reports did not disclose the identity of the experts said, the interest generated by the user of funds may be 'paid Po' collected.

June 16, 2006, China Industrial and Commercial Bank of China headquarters for the first time the company issued to pay for treasure "margin managed customer transaction report." Alipay is the only one initiative to banking supervision of third party payment platform, ICBC Head Office issued in November, "margin managed customer transaction report" shows that "as of November 30, 2006, the Company (Alipay the same below) stored in each bank deposit balance of customer transactions is equal to the sum of're stored in your customer's fund balance and the pending section, below the paragraph and the balance of the report was not found during customer transactions Alipay margin was diverted the situation. "" sample results did not find any information you provided does not match the transaction. "

Generate funds for the payment of interest Po users deal with the problem, Paypal President Lu Zhaoxi told "Contemporary financier" magazine interview that, "Currently, state regulators because the ownership of these funds is not clear that we will meet as payment losses are, at any time can transfer out. "So far, operators have been relying Alipay Alibaba Group's investment in the company Alipay no revenue or profit targets.

5, as the largest third-party payment platform, Alipay has been committed to helping users more complete and convenient online payment process for banks and financial institutions more deeply involved in the field of payment online.

Alipay, with its e-commerce payments in the field of advanced technology, risk management and control capacity of banks and other partners to win recognition. Currently Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Construction Bank, Agricultural Bank, China Merchants Bank and other major commercial banks as well as VISA and other major international organizations, financial institutions and established a strategic cooperation Alipay, a bank of great trust in the field of online payment partner.

Alipay has been strict and transparent management system and full compliance with all relevant national policies and regulations, there is no breach of national policies and regulations of the act.

6, above, to pay Bowes that "use of online payment susceptible to financial crime - someone with" Alipay "cash in a large-scale violations" serious inaccuracies in the article, we will investigate the relevant personnel to retain the right to legal liability.

Zhejiang Alipay Network Technology Co., Ltd.


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This audio file conversion software is a sound file format converter for Windows or Mac. It can convert audio files from many different file formats into mp3, wav or wma files including wav to mp3, mp3 to wav, wma to mp3 and much more (eg. CD, CDA, CD-R, DVD-Audio, AAC, AC3, ID3, M3U, M4A, M4P, MP3 ID3 Tag, OGG, RA, WAV, WMA, MP2, APE, VQF, MPC, AMR, Midi, WAVE, and RM). This audio file converter is very easy to use. Just add the files you want to convert to the list, select the format you want to use, and then click the convert button. Now start converting!

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

WorldCup PDA Converter

WorldCup PDA Converter converts AVI, DivX/Xvid, WMV, MPEG videos to PDA WMV or MP4 video format in one simple click. It is a powerful PDA MPEG4 video converter/PDA burner with fast working speed in burning movie to PDA and downloading movie to PDA. Now you can get this PDA MPEG4 video converter at a very competitive price! Its key features include: The software features superb video audio quality and fast conversion speed. And it is very easy to use.

WorldCup PDA Video Converter is a best video and movie converter to PDA! This product offers convert movie to Sony PDA, Easy Convert AVI, MPEG, WMV, MOV, MP4, RM, RMVB, DivX, ASF, VOB, 3GP and etc. WorldCup PDA Converter helps you watch your music videos and movies on your PDA.

Recommand Link:

video Converter

Youtube Movie to Xbox Pro

Swift MPG Deconde

LasVegas VOB To AVI

Youtube FLV To Psion Deluxe

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Bluesea DVD to RM

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Perpetually DVD to AVI MP4

Wondershare DVD To BlackBerry Converter

Monday, May 17, 2010

Professional DAT DVD VOB to PS2

Professional DAT DVD VOB to PS2 is a professional DVD movie to PS2 video converter software. Professional DAT DVD VOB to PS2 directly converts DVD movies to your PS2. All you need do is to connect PS2 to your PC and start Super DAT DVD VOB to PS2 Converter. When the conversion is completed. Professional DAT DVD VOB to PS2 is an innovative Windows application that transcodes your favorite DVD movies to SONY PS2 directly. You can easily convert both PAL/NTSC DVDs for optimized video playback on PS2. Integrated world-class MPEG4 encoder make it possible to transcode whole DVD disc with the time half of playback time of DVD. You can select any audio track, subtitle, chapters of the DVD as you want.

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Youtube Movie to PS3 Ultra

FutureDecks Lite

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Mp3 converter


Alive Video to Flash Converter


Bliss CDA CD-R M4P to VQF Convert

Lohan WII Converter

SuperBurner MP4 Converter

Youtube FLV to Laptops Plus



Tuesday, April 13, 2010

X-Soft iPod Video Converter

Convert all popular video formats to MP4 files for playing on iPod Video. It can convert from MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, WMV, XVid, DivX, FLV, AVI, RM, RMVB, MOV, and more other formats. Support Windows Vista.

X-Soft iPod Video Converter is a video/movie converting program designed for converting video/movie to Apple iPod video playing by the two formats supported: H.264 and Xvid. It can convert almost all video format including FLV (Macromedia Flash), DivX, XviD, MOV, RM, RMVB, dvr-ms, MPEG, WMV, AVI to iPod Movie / iPod Video format MP4 files. It supports easy-to-use interface, fatstest converting speed with excellent output Video and Audio quality

# Support Input/Output preview
You can watch the movie when converting movies.
Note: There is no sound when you are converting movies.

# Two-pass encoding mode supported
Our X-Soft iPod Video Converter is the first product available that supports two-pass encoding mode, with this feature it will improves the video quality and doesn't make the file any larger. (note:This takes twice time as long to encode) .

# Full WMV, RMVB Supported
we use directshow to support the newest WMV9 and RMVB format

# Clip function supported
Our X-Soft iPod Video Converter can select a clip of movie manually.

# Optimize iPod Video
X-Soft iPod Video Converter can optimize output Video for iPod, so use X-Soft iPod Video Converter you will get more fixed video for iPod watching.

# Power Audio / Video / Subtitle Synchronize
With our patent Synchronize technology, you will not have any unsynchronize problem on output iPod Video.

# Capture Image
You can capture image when you are converting movies.

# Drag and Drop
X-Soft iPod Video Converter supports drag and drop functions to add movies.

# Expert Options for Settings
Rich options offered. It offers an amazing balance of features for beginners and professionals.
Note: we suggest you use default settings, we have optimzed it for iPod Video.

Recommand Link:

dv to vob converter

Monday, April 5, 2010

Sound PPC Value

Sound PPC Value - Don't take our word for it,see for yourself. The program works on all Windows systems. Sound PPC Value is one of the quickest and easiest to use tools of its kind. The program extracts audio CD tracks to audio formats MP3, WAV, and OGG in seconds. PRO version comes with a number of useful tools: CD player, WAV converter and MP3 converter.
Compact discs to MP3, CD, CDA, CD-R, DVD-Audio, AAC, AC3, ID3, M3U, M4A, M4P, MP3 ID3 Tag, OGG, RA, WAV, WMA, MP2, APE, VQF, MPC, AMR, Midi, WAVE, and RM Compact discs to Windows Media. The anticrackle feature helps you avoid creating MP3s with crackles on some computers.

Recommand Link:

mpeg video CONVERTER

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


MPC WMA Value is a powerful and easy-to-use tool for you to rip DVD movie in smaller video files with quality, happy for copying DVD to VCD/SVCD/AVI. MPC WMA Value's powerful to backup your DVDs. With batch converting features and great converting quality , and very easy to use with Step by Step wizard help user to do the ripping.
Convert audio files and CD audio tracks to MP3, CD, CDA, CD-R, DVD-Audio, AAC, AC3, ID3, M3U, M4A, M4P, MP3 ID3 Tag, OGG, RA, WAV, WMA, MP2, APE, VQF, MPC, AMR, Midi, WAVE, and RMfiles.

Recommand Link:

3gp video to avi changer

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

i-Softer DVD to YouTube Converter

i-Softer DVD to YouTube Converter is fast, easy to use DVD to YouTube video converter software which helps you convert home DV or DVD to YouTube supperted video MPEG-4(DivX,XviD) with resolution of 320*240 for MPEG-4 Video formats, with excellent image and sound quality.

The YouTube converter tool also supports convert VOB to MPEG-4(*.avi). It also support audio formats MP3, WMV, M4A.

Free download i-Softer DVD to YouTube Converter to enjoy Rip your home DVD or DV videos to YouTube supported format and upload to YouTube site!

Key Features:

1.It's very easy to locate the individual scenes to rip from the DVD.
2.You can either upload the video clip to or edit it with software such as iMovie or Windows Movie Maker to add titles and special effects.

Recommand Link:

Best Software Review

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

CD-R to BlackBerry Copier

CD-R to BlackBerry Copier is an all-in-one sound recorder, editor, and converter. Streaming Audio Studio is everything you need to analyze, record, edit, and convert audio file, produce music loops, digitize, and clean-up old recordings. It enables you to record and modify any audio files as you wish, which means you can record and play sounds, import and export audio files, drag-and-drop, trim, copy, paste, split, and merge files.
This Audio Converter converts audio files between MP3, CD, CDA, CD-R, DVD-Audio, AAC, AC3, ID3, M3U, M4A, M4P, MP3 ID3 Tag, OGG, RA, WAV, WMA, MP2, APE, VQF, MPC, AMR, Midi, WAVE, and RM. Its user-friendly interface supports both drag & drop and shell operation of Windows Explorer. Most work can be done automatically with a few mouse clicks. You can convert many files in batches regardless of their source formats and target formats. This Audio Converter also supports playback of all the audio files with its built-in player.

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